Monday, April 25, 2011

What were we thinking!

We decided that Ashlyn is 6 and probably needs to learn her phone # for saftey reasons. I sat her down and told her that she needed to learn her phone # just in case she got lost or needed us for any reason. She sat down and wrote it over and over to remember it. Im thinking most people do this, teach their child their phone #? Well what were we thinking! Ashlyn goes to school and gives all her kindergarten friends her phone # and now miss popular has the phone ringing off the hook! She has a friend that has called all day. Ashlyn talked to her for a little while and then it was time to get off. That little girl didn't like that so she called every 5 minutes for hours. I went to a meeting and walked in the door at 9:15 and she is still calling! Tony calls the # back and thinks he talked to the mom and she just says,"she doesn't understand that she can't call". Really!!!! The kid should be in bed! So I just got off the phone with phone company and I am going to have to block the #. Crazy!!!! Im hoping I can survive Ashlyn!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ashlyn finally had her surgery to remove the extra tooth! For those of you who don't know, Ashlyn had an extra tooth inside her gums that would never come down and were keeping her front teeth from coming in. They have been planning this surgery for a couple years now. The last three scheduled surgries have been cancelled because she was sick so it finally is over now. He was originally going to have to cut through the roof of her mouth but he ended up removing 4 front teeth and going through were her teeth were to remove the extra tooth. She did really well in recovery, never cried! This picture was taken in the car on the way home! Today is the morning after and so far she is still pain free. Im very relieved it all went so well and that it is over!

Monday, April 11, 2011

My New Car!

Well its not brand new but new to me! Its a 2009 Kia Rio. With the gas prices going up, we really needed a gas efficient vehicle. The truck was costing me $100 a week to drive around town and that just wasn't working. Its a big change for me to go from my big truck to this little car but after driving it for almost a week, I am getting used to it. I filled it up last wednesday for $28 and still have a half a tank! Its great!!!!!!!