Thursday, July 21, 2011


Leah is 7 months old now! She is getting so big. She weighs about 30 pounds now and I hope she stops growing soon. She is a trouble maker for sure, chews shoes, socks and every stuffed animal she can find. The kids are having so much fun with her. They just laugh all the time because she is so funny when she plays with them. Ashlyn has a tunnel that connects to a tent and Leah runs throuh the tunnel and whips it around the room. The kids think that it is really funny! Anyway, I think she will be a real dog soon, she has learned sit, shake, lay down and roll over. When she gets real excited she does them all really fast just to get a treat faster. If I could just get her to bark, I would have it made!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ashlyns Funny Ways

The girls have 4-H day camp all this week. They are doing cooking, sewing, jewelry making, scrapbooking and learning healthy nutrition. They are having a blast. Yesterday they made freezer peach jam. I was in the jam class helping and all the kids had fun but what a challenge when you have 10 kids at a time trying to make jam! In the nutrition class they made yogurt and fruit bowls for a healthy snack. Iasked Ashlyn if she ate her yogurt. She said, "Yes, but I only put blueberries in it because I dont like pineapple". I said, " I thought you liked pineapple?" She said, "No! I tried it back when the dinosaurs were alive and I didnt like it!" I said, "What?!!!!, Ashlyn, you werent alive when the dinosaurs were alive". She said, "Oh!". I dont have a clue where that all came from but it made for a good laugh all day today! Ashlyn works the sewing machine on Thursday and Lord help us all! Hopefully she doesnt sew herself to her apron.