Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hatching early!!!!

So the babies are coming!!! Let me tell you they were supposed to start Thursday but they picked Tuesday. Two were hatched yesterday and one hatched over night. I spent an hour yesterday putting crates together and putting the chickens and their babies in them in the garage. Now the garage is a chicken nursery!They are so cute!!!!
Here is a little one peaking out!

They are just too cute!

Each Hen has her own cage. One hen has 1 baby and the other has 2. We will see how many actually hatch. There is a total of 10 eggs that I put under them. I seperated them because yesterday one hen took the other hens baby so they were not happy about that. Now they dont have to fight!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Little chick

Our experiment with the 4 eggs under the chicken failed. The day after i put the eggs under her 2 eggs dissapeared! the other 2 were not fertile. So i got 5 more eggs and put them in a friends incubator. Only 1 of those eggs hatched and now we have peeps the chick.

Last week Becky gave me 10 more eggs so I have two chickens that are broody and they are laying on 5 eggs each. They are due to hatch on the 31st. Hopefully we get atleast 1 from that batch so this little chick will have a friend! The hens are sitting in the same nest together laying on there babies. If this doesnt work this time, we are done for this year. They are both getting really skinny because they don't like to eat much. They don't want to leave the eggs for very long.
I will update as soon as we have babies!!!!!!