Thursday, July 19, 2012


It's been so long since I last posted! It has just been a tough month and a half!

The babies are growing fast. We had a little set back though. We found out that they are not pure bred chickens so the kids can not show them! Becky made a mistake because she thought there had been enough time passed when she took the other rooster out of the pen but there must not have been. She gave the girls 2 pure breds of hers and ours went to live with my mom.

On Father's day Brooke's new horse, Summer, got sick. She coliced for 2 days and the vet said she needed surgery. We just couldn't afford to do it so I was going to put her down. They wanted me to wait but everyday she was sick was vet bills that were rising. The vets husband said he would take her and try and save her so thats what I did. She ended up living but we don't own the horse anymore. It was a huge blow to us! With purchase price, vet bills and other things done to her we have nearly $6000 in her that we have lost! I am still paying on the vet bill she incured while she was sick and I owned her so every week I have to pay on a bill that causes me to just be ill. I am just ready to move on and forget the whole thing. In the mean time we have brought Kitty back home and hopefully we can make her work for Brookes shows right now. There is noway I can get her another horse right now.

On top of all of that my truck blew its engine!!! I have been without it for 2 weeks now. They are putting 2 new heads on it this week I hope and maybe it will be done by next week. The guy that is working on it has been really good at trying to get us the best price for the fix. $1600 is what it will cost and we have been told that it is a good deal by other people.

So our summer plans have been really pushed to the side with all this set back. Now I am focusing on getting what the kids need for school. They start back August 20 and I start back August 27. It seems to be right around the corner! It has seemed like a really rushed summer and its getting b use so quick.

The kids bought a pool with their gift cards from Christmas so we have been chilling in there. Its nice to be able to cool off when its so hot!

I will try to post back soon!