Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer is Over!

The summer is over and the kids are back to school. Most people are really happy their kids go back but not me, I have been very lonely! They are having a great time and love their teachers so far. Brooke has a huge work load this year. She is taking Algebra 1 honors, advanced civics, advanced science and spanish 1! She will be a busy girl for sure. All of these classes are high school credits and she is only in 7th grade.

We didn't do much for the summer but the kids ended the summer with a chicken clinic for 4H so they could learn more about chickens. Pretty much it was just to go because I don't think we really can learn anymore!!! Brooke got a new chicken that is only the size of a pigeon. She is so cute but has to stay in her own cage because the other chickens try to kill her. Her name is Lemon.
New chicken- "Lemon" sleeping during class

My friend Karin had to find a home for her 2 chickens so we offered to take them also. They are cute! They are Cochins and are only 5 months old but they are bigger than our laying hens so they will be giant for sure. I have a picture but for some reason it won't post right! It is sideways but here it is anyway! HAHA!
Weird I know but what can I do! Spotted one is Bobalena and black one is Cozy! I did not name them!!!

I start back to school on Monday and I am really nervous about this semester. Two of my hardest classes on top of fair time! I hope I can dissect that brain and eyeball without throwing up! I just keep telling myself it is only 15 weeks but that seems like a lifetime.

So not much else going on. Brooke starts the new show year September 8th and Ashlyn will start December 1st at her show. So I am praying it will all go well and they will be safe. Fair will be in November so it will all be a very busy few months.  I will try to keep up with posting but I'm not sure how good I will be at that!