Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miracle Puppy

Leah is a true miracle! Sunday morning we woke up and Leah had no control of her back legs. She was swaying all over and if she tried to run she would fall down. She could not walk on the kitchen floor without falling. We decided to take her to Deland Animal Hospital. When we got there they looked her over and had asked if we had found any ticks recently. I told them no. I rub her everyday and have not felt anything. They were stumped over what it could be. The Dr said it could be GME. That is an immune disorder and the only way to find out is to go to the University to have an MRI and a spinal tap done. He sent us home and said to just watch her. We decided we would go to our Dr Monday morning and have him look at her. As the day progressed, she got worse. During the night she became completely paralyzed and her breathing was getting bad. I called my mom at 4AM and asked her to come watch my kids while me and Tony take her back to the hospital. I was convinced that she was going to have to be put down and I wanted to be with her when that happened. She is not as close to Tony as she is to me and I knew she would be scared. I then began to wake the kids up at 5:30 to explain to them that she was very sick and if they wanted they could come sit with her because I wasn't sure she would be coming back home. That was very hard!!!! I told Tony I wanted to sit in the back with her so I did. She layed on my lap and I just began rubbing her to comfort her. We got a few miles down the road when I felt something. It was a tick!!!! That's when I began to have a feeling of maybe she doesn't have to die today. When we got there we told them we found the tick and they immediately pulled it and began her on IV fluids, steroids and antibiotics. They said they would keep her till the next morning. We called at noon and they said she was not any better. I just had a feeling of doom! At 4:30 Tony called to check on her and the said oh yes you can come get her. Tony then asked if she was better and they said she can stand but is wobbly. He asked if she could walk and they said no. Another girl said she is really not any better than she was when you brought her this morning. We decided we were just going to get her and bring her home. So we got there and waited for along time. Finally they brought her in the room and she was running around!!!! Totally not what I was expecting from the phone call 2 hours prior! We took her outside and she ran all over their yard. It was a miracle.
I am so glad I sat with her and found that tick! If I had not done that we would have put her down. When we brought her home and she ran in the house the kids were so excited! They couldn't believe it. I have a huge vet bill but I don't really care. I have my puppy!!! She is so much part of our family that I can't imagine her not being here. Thank you Lord for allowing us to continue to enjoy her!