Friday, November 1, 2013

Counting down!!

The countdown to fair is on! The Saturday before last we had barn workday to set up all the pens for the animals for fair. The kids all work together to make this happen. They have to put in the shavings and wash all the water and feed bowls for the chickens.

Brooke spent the rest of the week working on science project. Of course I didn't get a picture of that!! It was on which color crayon melts the fastest. (the white won).
Last weekend we had 2 days of Fall Festival ( Really 4 days if you count set up and tear down)! It was a lot of fun for the kids. We helped work the petting zoo most of the time.
Brooke fell in love with the Donkey! She wants him for Christmas and I said NO!!!!
He is really cute!!! Look at that face.
She really wants him!!! When she moves out he can be hers. LOL
So the rest of the week has been preparing for fair and doing the usual running around. Brooke had after school FFA meeting and when I returned, I found this..............
Bambi stuck in the porch canopy! I really don't know what she was thinking to get herself in this situation. Tony had to bend the piping to get her out. Afterwards, Gabby was running around ramming us. I guess she was really upset and maybe thought we did this to her. They are not very smart!!!
So that's about all for now. Brooke has a 4H dance tomorrow and Sunday begins the shaving of sheep and goats and washing of the chickens. Our 12 chickens are down to 5 because they are coming down with the pox. Hopefully no more get it!!!
I will be back soon!!