Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Back at it with a bang!

After remembering last week I had my blog I have decided to come back to keep track of more memories! Man are there many that I have missed since last posting. There is no way to catch back up on those but if the opportunity from other posts allow me to touch back on them I sure will.

So right now I'm sitting in the house at 5 am thankful for all I have. This time last week I was preparing for Hurricane Matthew and wasn't sure if we would have a house to come back to. My biggest fear was our trees. We have many of them and I wasn't sure what would be taken out by them. I knew for sure that I had to get the animals out of here because of the trees. I got remarks from some that I was over thinking it, I should just stay it's nothing to worry about, but I had to do what my heart said to do and I was so glad I did. The big massive oak tree that I thought would go did not move! The healthy ones snapped like tooth picks. Crazy how that happens. Tree through our barn roof, trees down in each pasture. It will be a mess for a while but for now we are functioning. My house was unharmed! So very thankful for that.

Saturday after the storm Tony came back home while we stayed at my moms so he could evaluate what needed done before bringing the animals back.( He wouldn't allow me to come because my back is out!) Main thing was stabilizing fences and the barn. John, Tony's brother, came over to help with that effort. They worked really hard on getting that done!

The first Challenge was the roads! This is the road in front of the house and you can see that the trees are blocking all the way down the road. The whole neighborhood look like a bomb went off and exploded the trees.

At first glance from the house it just looks like some leaves and limbs but you would really have to be here in person to see the size of the massive trees on the ground next to both sides of the barn.
The big oak tree that I was afraid of coming down lost one of its huge limbs into the barn. Thank goodness the sheep where not here to have to witness this! I am afraid they might not have survived.

This big tree shaded our back half of the property. Not anymore! I didn't realize the center of it was even rotting like it was.

Its hard to tell in this picture but there is another massive tree on the other back side of the pasture. It will remain there for sometime because the water is just too high to be going through to cut it up. Surprisingly all the flood waters in the barn were soaked in by the time we got the animals home.

We ended up leaving Kisses at my mom's house so we only had to worry about a place to keep the sheep. Right now we have roughly 20 days till fair! Our main goal right now is to keep the market lambs growing and gaining in a comfortable safe area. I think we have managed that so far.

Carey and Jason came to help us on Sunday haul many limbs to the road so the county could pick them up. We have months and months of tree work to do but slowly we will get there.

I am on week 2 of my back being out. I really hate that I have developed a back problem. All I did was turn wrong getting in the car and out went my lower back. Shooting pain down my leg to the point I can barely walk. At this point I don't know if my back or my leg hurt worse, all I know is I want it to go away so I can get on with working in my yard!

Well that was my first post back on the blog and I hope to keep up with this for all of you and for myself. I really do love going back to see the memories that we had that just seem to slip by my memory. See you again soon!