Monday, November 15, 2010

Last Day of Fair

Yesterday was the last day of fair!!!!! It has been a blast but 14 days is really a long time! The girls kicked butt in their chicken fun day. They both took first place in the fashion revue in their age divisions and both got reserve, which is second, in showmanship in their age divisions. They both did great! Brooke is a chef and her chicken is a pot of chicken and dumplings. Ashlyn is a bride and her chicken is the groom. Thanks to my mom because she did the costumes, I am not that handy! The girls ate lots of fair food, rode rides and played games. They even won 2 fish! We had to wait in a really long line to get the chickens checked out last night. Monster fell in love at the fair with the handsome man behind her so she was not real happy to leave but the rest were. I am really glad this only happens once a year because I am really wore out. Brooke wants to do state and central fair but I am not up to that yet! We had a great time and I am very proud of the girls.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sheep show

We survived our first year at fair showing sheep! Brooke did really well and had a good time. She got 5th place in her class but got a second place ribbon. She has alot to work on but she did very well for what she knew at the moment. The chickens were judged on Thursday. Butterscotch, Ashlyns little chicken got a blue ribbon which is first place and the 3 big chickens got a red ribbon which is second place. I was surprised Ashlyns big chicken placed because her feathers are falling out but she did well. Brooke and Ashlyn put chicken photos in a photo contest and both got first place. Brooke put a poster in the poster contest. It was about egg anatomy and she got a second place on it. They both did an egg decorating contest. Brooke made hers a fish in the ocean and Ashlyn made hers a chicken in the barn yard. Brooke got third place in her division and Ashlyn got second in her division. So far they have done very well at the fair! We have chicken fun day on the 14th so we will have more to come!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fair is Coming!

We spent Sunday getting the animals ready for fair. It was very much a challenge but we got it done. We had 4 chickens to wash and then had to run out to John and Kim's to wash Lily so we can shave her on Monday. Ashlyn's brown chicken, Hooster B Boch is her name, is losing her feathers so she looks pretty funny. She is in the middle of molting her feathers. She picked a very bad time to do this.By Wednesday she will probably be bald! We will have to decide then if she is going. All the chickens stood great while they got a blow dry, to be honest I think they liked it! Lily was her normal spastic self so no surprise there. The girls did not go trick or treating because we were so busy with the animals but they did decorate their pumpkins that they picked out at the pumkin patch. They turned out really cute. So anyway today is a new adventure with shaving Lily. Nicole is going to help so hopefully it goes smoothly.