Monday, November 15, 2010

Last Day of Fair

Yesterday was the last day of fair!!!!! It has been a blast but 14 days is really a long time! The girls kicked butt in their chicken fun day. They both took first place in the fashion revue in their age divisions and both got reserve, which is second, in showmanship in their age divisions. They both did great! Brooke is a chef and her chicken is a pot of chicken and dumplings. Ashlyn is a bride and her chicken is the groom. Thanks to my mom because she did the costumes, I am not that handy! The girls ate lots of fair food, rode rides and played games. They even won 2 fish! We had to wait in a really long line to get the chickens checked out last night. Monster fell in love at the fair with the handsome man behind her so she was not real happy to leave but the rest were. I am really glad this only happens once a year because I am really wore out. Brooke wants to do state and central fair but I am not up to that yet! We had a great time and I am very proud of the girls.

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