Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big Surprise!

Gabby had a baby! Total shock to us because we didn't know she was pregnant. I went out on Sunday morning to feed everyone and found Gabby in labor. I called Nicole and had her come over at 7 AM! I was not doing this on my own. It was very upsetting because a couple hours into it we relized the baby was turned sideways and couldn't come out. Nicole tried to get it out but could only get one leg. We then started calling vets but the ones I could get a hold of didnt do goats and the others just wouldn't answer. My horse vet finally called back and said to bring her in. She had to do a csection on her. Momma and baby are doing good right now but Gabby is on antibiotics to fight infection. If she makes it a week she will most likely survive this ordeal. Im exhausted and tired of animals! Im just hoping I get a break before the next ordeal occurs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! That sure was a shock! Thank God Nicole was able to come and help you.

    What an adorable little baby! Does it have a name yet?
