Thursday, April 19, 2012

Project of the Month

This is Chelsea chicken. She is the baby we got last year and raised with the stuffed animal bunny! She is sitting in this nest because she is broody. This means she is laying on eggs, that are not hers, because she intends to hatch them out. Only problem is, we don't have roosters and it doesn't matter how long she sits there, there will be no babies!!!!

The eggs she took over were not even her eggs. They belonged to the big chickens so they were double the size of her eggs. The picture shows the big chicken egg on left and her eggs on right. Very big difference! Soooooooo.....

My friend Becky has bantam chickens and does have a rooster so she brought me 4 of her eggs to trade out for the big chicken eggs so Chelsea will not be sitting for nothing! I hope they are fertile! So we wait now for 21 days to see if Chelsea will become a mother to babies that are not hers. In the mean time we have to take her off her eggs 2 times a day to make her eat and drink because she insists that she is not leaving the eggs.

I really don't know how I get myself into these things but it is what it is! I should really be worrying about my math final in 3 weeks but to be honest, this is more fun! I should really think about changing my career plan to being an AG teacher, but thats probably not a good choice! Anyway I will keep every one posted. I will check the eggs in 10 days and see if I can see a glimpse of the little guys in the eggs by using a light.

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