Thursday, January 20, 2011

Very Sad Day

Today we lost our little friend Hammy J hamster. The girls came home from school to find her lifeless in her cage. On closer inspection she was not completely dead! She looked like she was not breathing but every minute or so she would take a breath. I called my mom at work and she said she read on the internet that hamsters can hibernate. I was really worried then because I didn't want to bury a hibernating hamster or a hamster that wasn't dead yet. So what do I do? I take it to the vet! The tech there checked her out and said she was still alive but didn't have much longer. She told Brooke she could go back and tell her goodbye and then they put her to sleep so she would not suffer anymore. Brooke was really upset and to tell you the truth I had to shed a tear for the little thing. We really have had some fun times with her in the past year and a half. So we sit here tonight waiting to hear the frantic rattle of the cage that happens every night as Hammy trys to find her way out and we are sad not to hear it. I am leaving a video of what we miss of Hammy every night!

1 comment:

  1. We are so sorry to hear about Hammy. She was the best little hamster ever! :(
