Monday, January 3, 2011

New Start!

I have decided that with the new year I am making a new start and I registered today with Daytona State College! I am so nervous but excited about my decision. I got very overwhelmed today because I did the whole process in one day but it is done. I start January 18th. I did my pre test to see what I don't know and I surprised myself that I am not as dumb as I thought I was. I passed the reading and writing but failed the math. That was not a surprise about the math but the rest was. I was able to start off with college english but I have to do college prep classes for math. I couldn't even do 5th grade math. I am not smarter than a 5th grader!!!! My english is online but my math is at the school. I am doing it at night so I can be with the kids during the day. Math is 2 days a week and I am guessing my english online I can do anytime. I have to get more info on that. Anyway, I am very scared! I have been out of school for 13 years but I am hoping this will be a good thing for me. Brooke said she can teach me so she will be my tutor. Pretty bad that my 10 year old has to help me get through college! I really pray that I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. Jessie I am so proud of you! This is a great thing and I know that you can do this and much much more! Yay for Jessie! I will keep this in my prayers! You know, I'd be right there with you on the math as well. I have had to send my kids to Greg when it comes to math. I use a calculator to figure out what 1/2 of a 1/2 is :)
