Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ashlyns Award Program

Ashlyn graduated to 1st grade! She is doing so well and loves school. Her teacher was great! I was worried because Ashlyn is such a unique child to work with but her teacher said she was great and was one of her best students. It is amazing how well she reads now. She reads words that I can't figure out how she figures out. Hopefully learning comes as easy to her as it does to Brooke. At her program they sang songs and got an award for finishing Kindergarten. She says she is going to become a big girl next year because she doesnt have to have Brooke help her at school now! Next year will be exciting, 3 different schools at all different times. Should keep me crazier than ever!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Ashlyn! It's not surprising that she was one of the best students in the class. Both of your girls are SO smart!!
