Thursday, June 2, 2011


The Girls are doing some plant growing this summer. They both got a citrus tree from the Ag Department for a 4-H project this next year of 4-H. They keep a record book on it and then next Feburary they go to Central Florida Fair to be judged. Candy gave them some tomatoe plants that she started. They are hugh! Everyday the kids are getting tomatoes and they love it. We have turned our front porch into our potted garden. We had a garden going in the backyard but Leah took care of that for us! Everything is gone. The strawberry plants are just starting to get strawberries. I don't really know what went wrong with them? Everything is still alive so thats a bonus for me, lets see how long we can keep them alive! Our next project will be canning! That should be a good one, I have never canned before. We are going to do strawberry jam and pickles. Hopefully I can pull this one off for the kids.

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