Friday, November 4, 2011

Chicken Placings!

The chickens got judged and they did pretty well. Brooke's chicken did the best, she got a blue ribbon and then got Reserve Best in Breed. Butterscotch, that is like Brookes, got a red because she doesnt look very well with her molting. Onzo. the buff chicken got red, we knew that was going to happen because she has the wrong color legs. We were going to leave her home but had to substitute her for the other buff chicken because she was molting too bad. Lastly, Taco, she got a blue ribbon in the mixed breed contest. We put her in the mixed breed because we were not sure exactly what she was. Come to find out, she is a commercial rhode island red. They are not pure bred but have their own division in the commercial department. They mix rhode island red and new hampshire chickens to get awesome egg layers and they are the chickens that lay the really nice brown eggs. He said if we would have put her in the commercial section she would have got Best in Breed! The judge was very nice at helping us understand his way of judging and what we can do to improve them. Im still amazed at all the new things I learn about the chickens every year. Our new thing this year will be changing their feed to show bird feed to make their feathers look better. I never knew how to make show bird feed and now I do!!!

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