Monday, December 19, 2011

Monster week1

It has been 1 week since we started the treatment on Monster. I believe she is doing better! She is up walking more and she isnt flipping over when we set her on the ground. She is still living in the garage and getting treated like a princess chicken. Im hoping she will continue to improve so we can get her back outside. I have had alot of people tell me im crazy for trying and I should just kill her but I can't do that yet. I surely cant kill her myself! That requires chopping off a head and I think I would rather suffer through the crazy thing living in my garage! So thats the good news before Christmas.
I finished my finals last week so I am shopping and baking like a crazy person this week to catch up to everyone else. I have a few weeks before I start my next semester but im sure it will fly by!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ashlyns Birthday

The front of the restaruant
One of the dinosaurs outside

A baby T rex at the front

Ashlyn waiting on dinner
We like to celebrate Ashlyns birthday early since it is on Christmas day so she decided she wanted to go to T rex restaurant to eat dinner. It was really neat! It is in the downtown Disney market place. It is full of animated dinosaurs. It has an ice cave that looks like a dinosaur is fossiled in the wall. Every 15 minutes a meteor shower happens and the whole place gets darker and the lights flash. She seemed to have a really good time. We walked around the shops and even seen Santa! Santa is the real deal at Disney! She didnt want to go get a picture with him, just look from a distance.

These were the dinosaurs at our table! They roared while we ate dinner

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ashlyn's Bear

The 1st grade classes at Ashlyn's school had a teddy bear contest. Ashlyn won with her Bear! She got a candy cane full of M&Ms and a chocolate teddy bear. Im pretty sure this Bear came from ID and Ellie because it just looks like a TN bear!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monster Chicken

This is the last week of school for me and the kids and was hoping for a nice vacation but not so. Monster chicken is very ill and we have looked and looked on interenet to figure out whats wrong. I think she has Wry Neck.. She is having some sort of neurological issues going on. We researched the internet and are trying some experiments to try to fix her. Im thinking she is not fixable but I am going to give her a few weeks. Only I would have a strange issue like this!


this is the video of her!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Kids Having Fun!

Yesterday afternoon, the kids had a nice ride before the down pour came. They have been riding alot lately since the weather has been so nice. Ashlyn got an english saddle just like Brooke so she likes to think she is just like her now! Brooke has been helping her by giving her "lessons". Brooke has her telling everyone that her trainer is Brooke Miller. Yesterday they sang Christmas songs the whole time they were riding. I will load the video at the end.

We discovered yesterday that Leah has grown up to be the nice farm dog she should be. Tony didnt know the chickens were out yeasterday and let Leah out the back door with them. He looked out the window and then realized it. He ran out but everyone was fine. She didnt even run after them. She seems to be a little scared of them just like Wyatt was. I sat out there and watched her and she acts like there not even there. One of the brown hens did run at her but she ran for her life! Im very Happy! Leah will be 1 year old tomorrow and she has turned out to be such a good dog. Wyatts shoes are hard to fill but I think she is headed that way.