Monday, December 12, 2011

Kids Having Fun!

Yesterday afternoon, the kids had a nice ride before the down pour came. They have been riding alot lately since the weather has been so nice. Ashlyn got an english saddle just like Brooke so she likes to think she is just like her now! Brooke has been helping her by giving her "lessons". Brooke has her telling everyone that her trainer is Brooke Miller. Yesterday they sang Christmas songs the whole time they were riding. I will load the video at the end.

We discovered yesterday that Leah has grown up to be the nice farm dog she should be. Tony didnt know the chickens were out yeasterday and let Leah out the back door with them. He looked out the window and then realized it. He ran out but everyone was fine. She didnt even run after them. She seems to be a little scared of them just like Wyatt was. I sat out there and watched her and she acts like there not even there. One of the brown hens did run at her but she ran for her life! Im very Happy! Leah will be 1 year old tomorrow and she has turned out to be such a good dog. Wyatts shoes are hard to fill but I think she is headed that way.


  1. Love how happy they sound! I really think it's cute how Brooke has Ashlyn tell everyone she's the trainer. Hmmm, maybe she's prophetic?? :)

  2. Ashlyn seems to be happy all the time!
