Monday, December 19, 2011

Monster week1

It has been 1 week since we started the treatment on Monster. I believe she is doing better! She is up walking more and she isnt flipping over when we set her on the ground. She is still living in the garage and getting treated like a princess chicken. Im hoping she will continue to improve so we can get her back outside. I have had alot of people tell me im crazy for trying and I should just kill her but I can't do that yet. I surely cant kill her myself! That requires chopping off a head and I think I would rather suffer through the crazy thing living in my garage! So thats the good news before Christmas.
I finished my finals last week so I am shopping and baking like a crazy person this week to catch up to everyone else. I have a few weeks before I start my next semester but im sure it will fly by!

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