Friday, January 27, 2012

Sugar Mill

Last week on Monday we took the kids to the old Sugar Mill in Port Orange. They  had the day off of school and we wanted to do something with them before life got crazy again. I started school on Tuesday so things have been really busy and just seems like there is not enough time for everything. Ashlyn is just amazed with the old sugar mills. She says she wishes she could see them before they fell apart! She is always so curious! There were lots of plants and stone dinosaurs. Brooke took about 80 pictures of plants just trying to get a really nice picture for her photo contest for 4-H.

The kids are staying busy! Brooke made it to the social studies fair with her project. Brookes still doing drill team with the horses and preparing for a performance at the balloon fest in March. Ashlyn and Brroke have been preparing for a play that they are doing at a 4-H event on Saturday. I have been spending every spare minute I have doing math!!! It seems to be the worst so far. I also have a microcomputer apps class and I actually like that one. My computer crashed on me 5 days before class started so I had to get a new one. That really made me mad considering my other one was only a year old and was 9 days out of warranty.Iit cant be fixed so I had to replace it. Tony got a new job as an engineer so he is off to school again himself! He should start next semester. It will really be crazy around here with 2 of is in school!

Anyway, thats what we have been up to the last couple weeks!


  1. Man, I thought I was busy! You have me beat! I love the old sugar mill. I can't belive I have not taken Ronnie yet. What's wrong with me?? Did you kow the Dinosaurs are from a theme park that was there in like the 1940's. I think it was like Bongoland or something like that. If Ashlyn likes history she may want to google that :)

  2. It looks like you had a great time at the sugar mill ruins. And we are so proud of all of you!! We found a very interesting thing on about the old Bongoland - which we didn't know anything about before. (Thanks, Tammie!) We always enjoy your posts so much, and how you jog our memories about the old forts. We miss you all, and God bless until we see you again. :)
    Love, I.D. & Ellie

  3. Yes we didnt know about Bongoland until last week when we went to visit the mill. It was a great place to go and its FREE! We walked a long time and looked at lots of plants. The kids like plants, especially the plant that had Smurf berries. lol
