Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Talent Show

The kids had a 4-H talent show on Saturday night. They performed a small skit with their club. It was called Rosalie's Cupcakes. It was about a cupcake baker that came up with the invention of sprinkles. An old grouchy man bought a dog that stole the formula and started his own shop. Rosalie the baker made up some cupcakes that had Happiness in them and the old man and his dog were suddenly happy forever. At the end of the skit, the kids handed out mini cupcakes with sprinkles to the audience.

Brooke was Rosalie the cupcake baker and Ashlyn was the dog. They had a really good time! They got second place in the group act division and they were really proud.Tony took video but I have no clue how to get it on here! If I figure it out, I will post it.

The funny story about this skit is that Brooke and some friends at school came up with the skit as a school project. Only it was a little different than the one they performed for 4H. They had to change it up a bit because the one for school had that they fed the old man poison!!! And he died!!!!!! Brooke got an A on it in school. Surprising that it was allowed at school huh? Never shocks me what the public schools allow.

Anyway, she got double use of the skit and saved us alot of time coming up with something for them to perform.

1 comment:

  1. Omigosh, we are laughing out loud after reading about how the skit originally ended with the grouchy old man eating poison and dying - and that Brooke got an A for it too! We sure hope you can figure out how to get the video posted, we would love to see it. :)

    Love, I.D. & Ellie
