Thursday, October 10, 2013

Drill Team

So another week has come and gone!!! Last weekend Brooke had a drill team competition. She has been working all year toward this and did very well at every practice but........ Kitty lost her mind there! Poor Brooke had to ride her with her bouncing off the walls. She did so well controlling her. Needless to say Kitty will not be returning to drill work!

Kitty- theme-Angels (which kitty was not an angel at all!)
After that ride was such a disaster, Tony went home and got Willow. Poor willow got pulled out of the pasture with no practice on this drill since may! That didn't go very well either. It was much better than Kitty but still not a great ride. We were all ready to go home for sure!
Willow -theme- Men in Black
Monday Brooke had to be at school at 5:45 am for an FFA leadership training field trip. With the amount of leadership training classes she has she should be able to lead the USA by now!!!
FFA chapter
We finished out the week with the dentist (more cavities... never ending nightmare), county council meetings, review board, 4h meeting and lots of homework. This weekend we have 4h awards!
No cavities for Ashlyn!


1 comment:

  1. That picture of Ashlyn made me laugh out loud. What a goof!! You and Tony must be so proud of Brooke, I know I sure am. I love you all, and miss you so much!!
