Monday, September 30, 2013

Beach and show fun

Last 2 weekends have been busy. The week before last we had International Coastal Cleanup at the beach. The 4H group went together for a community service project. Brooke was not able to go because she was at a District 4H officer training class. Ashlyn did a really good job at picking up trash. We were only able to keep the kids attention for about 1 1/2 hours! They ended up gathering about 30 pounds of trash in that short time.

Ashlyn losing interest in trash!!


Ashlyn in the beach with her friend Ashlinn
The kids were happy to get in the water with it being so hot! Afterwards we met with Ellie to have lunch with her because we had to shave sheep the next day and would not be able to see her at the family cookout.
This last weekend the kids had a Jackpot Sheep and Goat show. It was nasty, rainy weather at the beginning but did dry up a little toward the end of the day.
Ashlyn and Gabby
Ashlyn got 5th out of 6 people in showmanship. The judge told her that she needs to be a little more attentive but has what it takes to be good. Lets see what she does with that!!! Gabby got last in her class. She is just not show quality! Got love her anyway.
Ashlyn in her class

Brooke did not place in showmanship but she won her class with Lily!! She was so excited! She has been working really hard with her to get her fit back up after the baby.

Brooke and Lily (Brooke in pink)
So we have had some fun! Now the fun continues. This week we are preparing for drill team competition next weekend, working on 4H group fair booth, trying to finish up gameboards, posters and record books that are due for fair in the next 2 weeks. Oh and that dreaded science fair project for school! (I am really glad this is the last year for science projects for a while. )
So that's it for now!


1 comment:

  1. Somehow I missed seeing this when you posted it and didn't know that I had an 'honorable mention' in this one, lol. It was SO great to see you all, and I really enjoyed our lunch at Dolphin View.

    Congratulations to Brooke for winning her class with Lily. All that hard work really paid off! And I just love Ashlyn's spirit. :) I am so proud of both your girls!
