Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bubbles the Fish

At the end of the school year in June Brookes teacher wanted the class fish to go home with one of the kids. The kids have class money that they can use so they had an auction. Well Brooke won Bubbles and brought him home. Last week Brooke came to me and said she thinks Bubbles is dying, so I go into the room and sure enough Bubbles is lying on his side at the top gasping for air. I told her I was sorry and that their was nothing we could do for him. I thought by the end of the day he would be gone but no! This went on for days. I told her to just let daddy put him out of pain but she didn't want that. She was on the phone with my mom and my mom told her we should just pray that he dies soon and he won't be in pain anymore. Well my daughter prays that he will be ok. I was worried because I knew this little fish was a goner. Well the next morning Brooke comes running out and says to me that Bubbles is swimming and just Fine! Sure enough I go in there and Bubbles acts like nothing was ever wrong! He is swimming around and eating just fine.I am glad I didn't flush poor Bubbles like I wanted to do!

1 comment:

  1. That is truly amazing!! The only explanation for Bubbles' recovery is that God chose to answer Brooke's prayer of faith. Wow. Incredible!! Thank you, Lord!!
