Friday, August 13, 2010

No A/C

Do all of you remember what it was like to not have a/c at one point in your life? I really hope you do because until I was 16 years old we never had a/c. I really can't live without it now. If I ever have to cut anything out of my budget, the cable, phone and internet will have to go before the a/c does. Anyway our a/c broke and I don't know how I ever lived without it! We came home about 9 Saturday night and it was 85 degrees in the house. Tony worked for an hour trying to fix but we needed parts so we needed a repair man. We were going to have to wait till Sunday to do that. As a kid I can remember having all our windows open, laying on the bed with nothing but a sheet on it, fan going as fast as it can go, no pajamas and wet towels laying on me to keep cool while I sleep! I was not going to to this Saturday night! As much as I wanted to teach my kids about how lucky they are to have a/c I was not going to even have my windows open. So we did the next best thing, we pulled out the window a/c we have for hurricanes when we loose power! We stuck that baby right in the kitchen window and camped in the living room. It worked ok, it kept it about 80 in there. We could have put it in the bedroom but trying to put 2 kids, 2 dogs, a hamster and a guinea pig in the room would have sent me over the edge! We got it fixed the next day (thanks to John, Billy and Timmy)and we are back to having cold air in the house. So everyone be very thankful for the a/c, especially when you live in Florida!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you had a back-up window unit that you could use!! How did we ever survive without a/c?!
