Friday, August 13, 2010

Meet the Teacher Day!

This week has been terribly crazy! Brooke has had sewing and cooking camp all week. I have to take her to deland in the morning and go back and pick her up in the afternoon. Not only is a it a long drive but the gas in my gas hog truck is getting crazy! She is having a blast so thats all that matters. Anyway today was meet the teacher on top of camp. I was really praying the morning would go smoothly since we really need to be 2 places at once. But SURPRISE, it didn't! Brooke comes screaming out of the bathroom this morning at 7 AM that "Hammy is gone"! Not only is she gone but she thinks she went down the bathroom sink drain. What? I go in there and sure enough that little rodent has pulled the drain stopper out of the sink. I am now shocked because I know that if indeed she is down that drain she cannot turn around to get out! I call Tony to ask him how to start taking the drain apart and he says " I am coming home". He had planned on clocking out to come to meet the teacher but just hadn't planned this part! i happened to look down at the garbage and the bag was pulled down so I asked Brooke if she had done that and she said no, so she pulled the bag up and there was Hammy! I was so happy that I did not have to do construction on the bathroom to find this little rat! I called tony and told him we found her but he said he was coming home anyway. That was the fastest we ever found hammy and didn't need hammy Hunter! Brooke and Ashlyn got to meet there teachers and are really happy. Brooke got safety patrol and is helping a teacher with kindergarten kids so that should keep her busy. I hope tomorrow goes well, we have a 5 hour chicken day for 4-H!


  1. Jessie, girl, you have the funniest life! I love these stories :) ... oh, and this is excatly why my children are "pet deprived" ... I'm too selfish to be the good mommy and deal with all the drama :)

  2. I love the way you write, you always make me laugh out loud! I'm so happy for Brooke that she got safety patrol, I know that's something she was really hoping for. Enjoy chicken day!!
