Monday, September 27, 2010

Ashlyn Shopping

On Saturday me and Nicole took Brooke to watch a sheep show. Not the number 1 thing I wanted to do on a Saturday but for Brooke we did it. We decided to leave Ashlyn home with Tony. Anyone that knows Ashlyn knows that she CAN NOT sit still for 1 second. We knew it would be constant "I"m hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm hot, I have to pee" and so on! So Tony told her he would take her to the store to get something with her money that is left on her gift card. Brooke made fun of her because she had only $3 but later on Brooke wanted what she had got for $3! It was a littlest pet shop. Anyway when we got home Ashlyn ran in the room yelling, " I went to the store and got something and I used my credit card". We were laughing so hard! We tried to tell her it was a gift card but she was having none of that. In her mind it was a credit card and that was that. I love the things that come out of little minds! I wish I could keep her this age forever.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day at the Dentist

The kids went for their 6 month checkup and cleaning and for once in 5 years neither one had cavities! This is like the best day of my life. My struggles with my kids teeth make me wish i had become a dentist. They were blessed with the worst teeth any child could have! Since brooke was 5 years old we have had to do many xrays, teeth extractions, fillings, pulpotomys, and caps on almost every moler they both have, they were all baby teeth! Ashlyn started having cavities at 3. I have around $6000 wrapped up in dental work alone!The kids at school tell Ashlyn she has nickels on her teeth because they are all silver. Brooke gets braces on after November and Ashlyn has to have surgery the end of December for an extra front tooth that God so lovenly added to her mouth of teeth. The fact that the kids had no cavities gave me another 6 months of sanity. So please nobody ask me WHY we are not having anymore kids, the anwser is because we can't afford their teeth!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


To those of you that don't know, this cute little lamb is Lillyanna. John and Kim , Tony's brother and sister in law, bought her for Brooke to show at the fair. I haven't really posted about her yet because really this little lamb scares me more than any animal we own! We got her the first of July and are keeping her at John and kims because they have a sheep barn and we have no more room for any animal. She was not tame or halter broke when we got her so catching her was a challenge. The very first day that I had to catch her she ran at me and flipped me in the air! She was only 4 months old but she was a strong little animal. After that I told Nicole that she would have to catch her because there was no way I was going back in that pen with her. Brooke finally after a month got her to the point she could catch her and put a halter on with out roping her down to get a hold to her. There was no way I was doing it so I made my 10 year old do it! Anyway some days are good and uneventful and some are full of Brooke complaining because Lily is dragging her down or chasing the lamb down because she has escaped from Brookes lead! Just one more thing to keep me CRAZY!!!!! I just try to laugh and enjoy crazy because I am scared that the day my kids leave home and I don't have crazy anymore I am going to miss it and want it back. Monday was the first day that we have shaved Lilly. She has to be shaved for fair so we thought we should start practicing now. Nicole and Brooke did the shaving and I held her from jumping off the stand. It went really well, better than I thought it would. Nobody got hurt so I call that a good day.

Day of Planting

We didn't have much to do on Saturday so we spent the day planting. We went to home depot to get some flowers and came across some fruit trees. Tony wanted to get 1 of every kind but we only had room for 1 so we got a peach tree. We are so excited! We got an orange tree at the beginning of summer but it hasn't grown at all so hopefully this tree will live. We got to use our own organic soil for planting which is very nice. I just discovered that I was making compost at the back of the property and didn't even know it! The horse manure and leaves have been composting in the back and I have the blackest soil ever. The amount of earthworms in every shovel scoop is amazing! (That must be why the chickens fly the fence to go to the back.) Anyway it was a nice uneventful day that we enjoyed and always nice to have when life can be so crazy sometimes.