Monday, September 27, 2010

Ashlyn Shopping

On Saturday me and Nicole took Brooke to watch a sheep show. Not the number 1 thing I wanted to do on a Saturday but for Brooke we did it. We decided to leave Ashlyn home with Tony. Anyone that knows Ashlyn knows that she CAN NOT sit still for 1 second. We knew it would be constant "I"m hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm hot, I have to pee" and so on! So Tony told her he would take her to the store to get something with her money that is left on her gift card. Brooke made fun of her because she had only $3 but later on Brooke wanted what she had got for $3! It was a littlest pet shop. Anyway when we got home Ashlyn ran in the room yelling, " I went to the store and got something and I used my credit card". We were laughing so hard! We tried to tell her it was a gift card but she was having none of that. In her mind it was a credit card and that was that. I love the things that come out of little minds! I wish I could keep her this age forever.

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