Friday, December 24, 2010

Gabby Goat

Ashlyn finally got to play with Gabby yesterday! Lily didn't like Gabby so Tony had to build a new pen while Gabby stayed at Nicole's with her goats. Ashlyn has been so sick that she actually forgot she got a goat for her birthday. Tony went and got her yesterday morning and the girls played for half the day with them. Gabby likes to chew on everything so she was always trying to eat Ashlyn's clothes. Brooke is teaching Lily to jump so Ashlyn had Gabby jumping too. After a while Gabby was tired and took Ashlyns chair from her to rest in. They had a good time! When it is time for Gabby to go to her pen she screams her head off so I am hoping that will go away after a while. I hope!

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