Thursday, October 13, 2011

Brooke and Kitty

I love this picture of Brooke and Kitty! One of the 4-H girls took this picture of them. She did a really good job! For those of you that don't know the story of Kitty, it has been a long road. Kitty was originally bought by my mom and Vince. She was a bag of bones and came to live with me because I had time to hopefully save her life. I fed her small amounts many times a day to bring her back to weight. The vet I had at the time said she thought she would not make it and I shouldn't get my hopes up. She was so bad that I was scared to take a picture of her!! The first picture taken was after 6 weeks and my mom did that. Kitty obviously survived. She went back to live with my mom and had a baby. In 2008 I brought Kitty home to be Brookes horse. Brooke needed something to show and Kitty was a show horse in her earlier years. At first, it was perfect and Brooke showed her and it was a match made in heaven. Then , Kitty was sick alot! She would colic every couple days and was not good. The vet said she had ulcers! So we started her on ranintidine, horse zantac, and she was all better. She was doing so good that she was full of herself and suddenly Brooke couldn't get along with her. Kitty then became my horse. I trail rode her and exposed her to everything I could. This summer Brooke started taking lessons and is getting really good at her riding. She is doing so well that she is riding horses for other people. She decided that she wan't to try showing Kitty again. She took her to the show last month and did great! This is when this picture was taken. She showed her again last weekend and it went ok but not great. I can't blame the horse completely because it was the worst weekend in the world to try and show a horse at a show. It was complete tropical storm weather! It didn't stop raining the whole day and the wind was blowing so hard that it was blowing the rain into the covered arena. Most people harbor theirselves indoors when it rains, but not us, we tackle the outdoors like a bunch of crazy people! So that is the story of Kitty, she really is a good horse but has a little emotional bagage to haul around with her but I really can't blame her. If I was starved and left to die, I think I would be the same. Brooke says she is going to show Willow at the next show but I'm sure she will show Kitty again.

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