Sunday, October 30, 2011

Busy Busy!!!

It has been a busy week! I did 4 chapter tests of psychology on Friday and read like a mad woman all day off and on to finish the next chapter. I woke up early this morning and took all four test on that chapter. Im trying to get ahead so I don't have to worry so much about school during fair. We finally finished Brookes science project that goes in Monday and spent pretty much the whole day washing Lily and the chickens. The chickens look thrilled don't they?! We had to blow dry everyone after so they had to wait patiently in their chicken burritos till we got to them. The second one from Ashlyn in the picture fell asleep for a little while. I think she is sleeping in the picture. Tomorrow we will shave Lily and then we should be done till Wednesday when we check them into the fair.

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