Thursday, October 13, 2011

Countdown to Fair!

So fair is 3 weeks away! The girls are getting really excited. Brooke is showing the sheep, a goat and chickens. Ashlyn is showing a goat and chickens. We brought Lily, the sheep, to our house till fair. It will give Brooke more time to work with her if she is at home. After fair she will be going back to John and Kim's. All of our chickens are looking kind of rough. They are all molting so they look very bad with all the feather lose. Both girls will be doing the chicken Costume contest again. Nana spent a lot of time making those! We are in high gear now trying to get school work done, and science project done. Yes Brooke has a science project due 2 days before fair starts! She is in advanced classes in school and this science project is a pre college level. Im starting to double think the idea of putting her in that program! When the teacher said it would be alot of work for the parents too, she wasn't lying! Anyway, we are on a roll and can't wait to have some fun at the fair. I'll will try to update fair as we go if I have time.

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