Monday, February 20, 2012

Obstacle Course at State Fair

So we went to the state fair for 3 days. Brooke took her sheep Lily to show. She had alot of fun! It was alot going on and a very busy 3 days but we had a good time. I have alot of pictures of things going on so I will break it all up into different posts.

We left the house Friday morning at 5:30 AM to be at the fair grounds by 8 AM. That was the time that check in started. We waited in line for about an hour to have Lily checked by the inspectors to make sure she had a health certificate and then we went and found her a stall. She made friends right away with the baby next to her. At 12:30 we had a parent/exibitor meeting and had lunch. At 1:30 Brooke had to do her first competition which was a skill a thon, knowledge of sheep, and then a record book test, a test to see how well they can put a record book together. While she was doing that, Tony went to find our motel and me and Ashlyn watched a miniature donkey show. That was very funny! Brooke was done about 3:30 and then we walked around a bit before going back to the barn to get ready for the obstacle course that was at 5:00.

The obstacle course had things in it that the sheep had to get on or put up with and a judge scored on how well they did it and the speed.

The first obstacle was two tires that the sheep had to walk on. Lily just stepped around them!

Second was brooke had to tie her to the rail with a quick release knot. We had to have a crash course on that 5 minutes before it started! She did it perfect.

Third was jumping a jump. She practices that all the time so there was no problem there. I got the picture after the jump! Slow camera!

Fourth was a platform that Lily and Brooke had to walk over. Lily really wanted nothing to do with that but Brooke finally got her on it.

Fifth was Lily had to back up the length of a pole. It took alot of muscle on Brookes part but she made her do it.

Sixth one Lily had to walk on a mat and Brooke had to make her go through a hula hoop. I really thought she would not do that but she did it!

So she did really good! She didn't win anything but she had a good time doing it. She had 2 more shows that weekend but I will post those on another post. We don't know how she did on the tests that she did earlier that day. We are thinking they will send them when they send her premium money in the mail.

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