Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sheep Show

So Saturday Night Brooke showed Lily in Showmanship. It is judged on the way the person handles the sheep and sometimes they ask them questions or feel for how clean they are.

She did a really good job. There were 41 kids so they split the class into 4 separate classes and just brought back the top 3 or 4 from all 4 classes do judge the final class. Brooke didn't get called back but she did receive a red ribbon and she will receive $40 for that class.

On Sunday we pretty much spent the day at the show ring. It was the day of the sheep show. They judge on the quality and the way the sheep are built. It started at 11 am so we just had to hang around till her class came about.
Lily waits patiently for her class!
Brooke is in the center with the white shirt.
Walking the sheep so the judge can see a side view.
Lily is one of the smaller sheep in the class

Brooke ended up with 7th out of 9 so she wasn't last. Lily just wasn't as big as the other sheep. Alot of them are pregnant so they do give the illusion that they are bigger. The judge did give her a blue ribbon so she will receive $50. Brooke had alot of fun!

While we waited, me and Tony took turns floating Ashlyn around the fair to look at things. Mostly the chicken barn and the milking parlor! There were alot of chickens for sale so she kept going over to tell me she wanted to buy another chicken. We have no more room for chickens so that would require a new coop. She says well just build one!!!

She liked watching the chicks hatch. They are so cute!

Alot of chickens to look at!!!!

We didn't get done till about 5pm so we ate dinner at the fair and headed home about 6:30. It was a very good trip and a wonderful experience for the girls.


  1. Man, you guys were busy! I loved the post where Ashlyn had watery eyes. Doesn't it just melt your heart how excited kids get! Brooke is growing up so big. I would not have recognized her!

  2. I hope Ashlyn keeps her excitement for things for a while longer!! She is always such a happy girl. Yes, Brooke is getting so big! It seems like she is changing over night sometimes. I didn't even rcognize my own kid at school yesterday and thats scary!
