Thursday, February 7, 2013

Kittys Last Show

Last weekend brooke went to her 4H horse show and showed Kitty for the last time. Brooke won all 3 of the classes she went in and had a good time. She will continue to ride her in drill team and trail ride her till I finish my classes in May. At that point we will take her to my moms and bring home Stan, Brookes new horse.

This is Stan. he seems to be a really good boy. Brooke has been going up and riding him at my moms and just waiting to bring him home. He needs alot of riding and working with so that is why Brooke has to wait till I finish my classes. I have the whole summer off so we will have plenty of time to really check him out. I am hoping this horse works out this time!!!
Ashlyn has already gone to her first horse show with Willow. She is so excited to go to another one. I think she will be going in April. She doesn't seemto be as serious at it as Brooke but we will see if it starts to grow on her! She loves to just ride and have fun. Thats fine with me if thats all she wants to do!
We are off to our first weekend of State Fair Saturday. Brooke has horse judging contest for 4H. She seems to really enjoy doing it. Be back next week for updates!

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