Monday, February 4, 2013

Long Time No See

So it has been a while since I have posted! I tried the whole Facebook thing but to tell you the truth I don't like it so much. I started it so I would know what I was doing when Brooke got it but she doesn't want it now so I am going to start backing away from it. I just don't feel like I can relax about my stuff on there!
Anyway, things are getting busy around here. I am on week 4 of school and it is really tough. Anatomy just is not an easy class to get through! I am done with all the classes I needed for Radiography program so I am just taking classes to keep my student status with the college till I get accepted into the program. I am taking classes that go toward an AA degree since I may not get in the program first try.
In January I started couponing and it is so amazing! I can't believe how much money I have saved in 4 weeks. I calculated the costs and I saved $365 and only spent $347. My cabinets and freezer are really getting stocked on top of that! I can't believe how much I save and how much more food I have. It is really so easy that I wish I would have started this a year ago! My sister has helped me and pointed me in the right direction and I am so grateful for that.
This weekend we head to state fair for Brooke's horse judging competition and the following weekend we go for 3 days for the sheep show. Both kids are so excited and it will be like a mini vacation for us. My mom is going with us so she can experience all the fun with the kids.
Well that is all for now! I will try to come back more often to keep everyone up to date on whats going on with the kids!

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