Monday, February 25, 2013

Horse Judging

The horse judging went really well. Brookes team backed out at the last minute so she had to judge by herself. She was able to go for an individual score. She didn't mind at all and she had a really good time.

The had 8 classes total that they had to judge. She scored perfect on 3 of them. this was her first time judging and I thought she did really well for her first time. She had a total score of 394 out of 450.

The most exciting thing was that one of the horses they were judging was a horse that we had owned! It is Danny. We had started breaking him so that Brooke could have him but we discovered he had a disorder called HYPP. It caused him to have really bad seizsures so we gave him to a home that was going to put him to pasture. Apparently that didn't happen! He looked really good.

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