Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Countdown to fair!!!

The state inspector came out today to test the out of control chicken population we have now for fair!! He was shocked at the fact we have 16 chickens now. I believe they will all test fine but it is a requirement for them to enter the fair. The kids were in school so I had to chase down 8 hens and 1 rooster, hold them while he stuck a cotton swab in their throat and then stuck a vein under the wing to get blood. I was cover with blood afterwards! One day my kids will love me for the little things I do. :)
We have a busy couple weeks ahead. The kids have a Critter Crew 4H meeting tonight to vote on officers, Brooke has a district 4H meeting Thursday and this weekend hopefully start the dreaded science project of Brooke's.
Next week is full of drill team, mandatory fair meetings, 4H meeting, open house for school, District 4H officer training, coastal cleanup and shaving sheep and goats for sheep and goat show. Me and Tony have homework and tests to fit in somewhere and maybe try to sleep at some point!! Love this time of year though because it is so much fun. I love my busy life because it means my kids are having fun!!


  1. I'm so glad you're back to blogging, I've missed it! I love the way you write. I feel exhausted just reading about all that you do. :) Love you Jessie!!

  2. I sit here and laugh at how we can be cousins ... we have the same basic DNA ... we both have super busy schedules that make us scream "Calgon Take Me Away" ... yet we are totally different. You are searching the yard for chickens, I am searching the house for nun-chucks & karate uniforms. You have "Critter Crew" meetings and I have "Karate STORM (Special Team of Role Models)" meetings. You are "shaving goats & sheep" and I have ... well, let's just be honest. I don't have anything remotely close to that :) You have always amazed me and still do.

  3. Thank you Ellie and Tammie! I am exhausted and I do amaze myself at times but I love what I do. Can't imagine it any other way!
