Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chickens and Bugs

So everyone sit back and get a laugh out of this one! The kids show the chickens at the fair and we are working with the chickens and Ashlyn because this is her first year showing. Well I was looking closely at one of the chickens thinking they really need a bath. Yes the chickens get a bath! Well I suddenly seen something moving and sure enough it was bugs! So what do I do? i run like a mad woman into the house, jump on the computer to find out what they are and what to do about them. I find out that they are LICE! I quickly found out that they have to be dusted with seven dust and everything must be cleaned and dusted with seven dust. I rushed out the door to get seven dust because I can't sleep at night knowing those nasty things are crawling around out there. I came home and Tony started digging out the coop as I made the assmbly line of chickens on the deck. I was freaked out, the kids were amazed and Tony was probably thinking he should run for his life. We got everyone dusted, pens cleaned, all hay removed, pens dusted and waterers and feeders bleached just as it was getting dark. So now I am just sitting back and dreading Wednesday because I have to do it all over again ever 3 days for 14 days! SO everyone think of me this week because I am on my own because Brooke is off to camp tomorrow till Friday.

1 comment:

  1. That is too much! I don't know if I should laugh or cry for you!! Ok, so from now on when I whine and gripe and make sure my hubby knows "Whoa is Tammie ... my life is too crazy" ... I'll be sure to remember you. At least all I have to bathe is a human boy!! :)
