Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ashlyn's story

Today we had to run a few errands such as the feed store, the chiropractor and petsmart. Petsmart is in Daytona and that was our last stop and we headed home. Ashlyn decides she has to pee. I told her "we are on our way home now". She says "but I really have to go". This happens alot and most of the time we are usually out doing horse stuff and she just pees in a stall or in the horse trailer. We sound like true hillbilly's now! Anyway I told her " I can't just pull over and let you pee on the side of I-95"! She says, "but I really have to go". I say " Well Ashlyn your just going to have to hold it or your going to pee in your pants". So what does my darling five year old do? She just pees in her pants! She takes me so literally. She was quiet for a little while and I said "Ashlyn, did you pee your pants?" and she said "well, yes!" She seemed kind of proud of her self to tell you the truth. She showed mommy what happens when you don't pull over and pee!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, never a dull moment. I guess that's what happens when you give her a choice!!
