Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Search

So do you see a problem with this picture of the hamster cage? Well I will tell you, THE HAMSTER IS MISSING! We woke up this more and everything was going as planned until we went in to brush Ashlyn's teeth and noticed that there is no hamster in the hamster cage. She had broke the latch on top and hit the road. The kids were so upset , not that the hamster was gone but that she had chewed up all the silly band bracelets that were on the counter. Hammy had managed to fall into the garbage can, crawl to the top and bail out. She is now loose in the house and nowhere to be found. For those of you who don't know this, this will be Hammy's 4th escape. The first time was tramatic for me. I was so upset that a furry little rodent was loose in my house that I went outside, cried, had a nervous breakdown and told Tony I was going to move out until the hamster was found. I went to a friends house and visited until Tony, the hammy hunter, found hammy and put her back into her cage. I now am used to the little rodent and will just wait till her furry little body runs across the floor tonight to get her. In the mean time we are cleaning the house looking for her. I guess that is the only good thing that has come of this whole thing! I guess the hammy hunter will be called to his job again tonight! Well I hope you enjoyed my first post and for sure there will be more just like this to come. There is never a dull moment in this house.

1 comment:

  1. need to write a book. You have such a great way of telling a story. Keep this blog going and one day you need to print it all out and submit it to a publisher.

    AND just because you are a stay at home mom does not give people the right to say you do nothing...I know for a fact that you are always doing something, if it isn't taking care of the kids it is taking care of the animals. Or your hubby...which may I say that you have trained him well for how many men would have the patience to stand and listen to see if they can hear the Hamster...not many that I know of. Great work Tony!!!
