Friday, December 24, 2010

Gabby Goat

Ashlyn finally got to play with Gabby yesterday! Lily didn't like Gabby so Tony had to build a new pen while Gabby stayed at Nicole's with her goats. Ashlyn has been so sick that she actually forgot she got a goat for her birthday. Tony went and got her yesterday morning and the girls played for half the day with them. Gabby likes to chew on everything so she was always trying to eat Ashlyn's clothes. Brooke is teaching Lily to jump so Ashlyn had Gabby jumping too. After a while Gabby was tired and took Ashlyns chair from her to rest in. They had a good time! When it is time for Gabby to go to her pen she screams her head off so I am hoping that will go away after a while. I hope!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Disney Quest

Yesterday we went to spend the day at Disney Quest! Candy gave us 6 tickets so we took our friends Jen and Ryan and their son Tyler. We all had a blast! It is a 5 story arcade with alot of simulators and interactive games. We had to do the jungle cruise 2 times because that was Ashlyns favorite. You sit in front of a screen in a boat and the boat moves around like you are in the rapids. She liked the water that they spit out on you! Brooke had fun because Tyler is her age and could play the games Ashlyn couldn't. We all played like we were kids again! It was alot of fun.
Afterward we walked around downtown Disney and then went to Golden Corral to eat dinner. It was a nice day out after having to be confined to the house for 2 weeks with Ashlyns sickness!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ashlyn's Birthday

Well this is Ashlyns big surprise gift. A goat! Her name is Gabby. John, Kim, Nicole and Billy got it for her. Ashlyn loves it and it made my night a nightmare. Lily hates her and decided she didn't want to share her pen with the goat. So the goat spent the night in the chicken pen, screamed all night and kept me up. The next day she went to Nicoles to stay till Tony can build a new pen! All so my children can be happy. So the birthday went good. Ashlyn had Brennon to play with so that made her day.
Ashlyn got a bad cold over the weekend and had to go to urgent care. She was diagnosed with an ear infection. Her fever was at 102 most of the weekend. She still is out of school because of a fever so I hope she gets better soon. Her surgery has been cancelled due to the fact that she is sick and can't be put under that way. It is now scheduled for Jan. 13.

Monday, December 6, 2010

countdown to madness!

We are getting ready for the very busy December. As most of you know Ashlyns birthday is the 25th and it is very difficult but I don't ever let her know that! For the past week I have been going over what Christmas is really about. To her, when she wakes up in the morning on Christmas day she doesn't say "It's Christmas!". She says " It's my birthday!". So it has been very difficult. I tell her we have christmas to celebrate Jesus because it is his birthday and she says "yea and to celebrate my birthday!" I say to her yes your birthday is on christmas but that is not why we celebrate christmas. Poor thing just doesn't understand!

We always try to celebrate her birthday a week early but this year it will have to be even earlier. We are doing it on the 12th because she is scheduled to have surgery on her mouth the 15th. I am not looking forward to it at all! I hope all will be well by christmas day.

Hopefully we will have a nice painfree christmas! This year we are doing things a little different. Since I have enough trouble trying to express the true meaning of christmas we have decided not to do Santa this year. We have not told her there is not a santa but we are not promoting him either! We really haven't talked about santa and she hasn't either. I really don't think it will matter because she is all about her birthday that day. We will see how it goes! Come back next week for the party update! Ashlyn is getting a very special surprise gift that you don't want to miss!