Thursday, December 23, 2010

Disney Quest

Yesterday we went to spend the day at Disney Quest! Candy gave us 6 tickets so we took our friends Jen and Ryan and their son Tyler. We all had a blast! It is a 5 story arcade with alot of simulators and interactive games. We had to do the jungle cruise 2 times because that was Ashlyns favorite. You sit in front of a screen in a boat and the boat moves around like you are in the rapids. She liked the water that they spit out on you! Brooke had fun because Tyler is her age and could play the games Ashlyn couldn't. We all played like we were kids again! It was alot of fun.
Afterward we walked around downtown Disney and then went to Golden Corral to eat dinner. It was a nice day out after having to be confined to the house for 2 weeks with Ashlyns sickness!

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