Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ashlyn's Birthday

Well this is Ashlyns big surprise gift. A goat! Her name is Gabby. John, Kim, Nicole and Billy got it for her. Ashlyn loves it and it made my night a nightmare. Lily hates her and decided she didn't want to share her pen with the goat. So the goat spent the night in the chicken pen, screamed all night and kept me up. The next day she went to Nicoles to stay till Tony can build a new pen! All so my children can be happy. So the birthday went good. Ashlyn had Brennon to play with so that made her day.
Ashlyn got a bad cold over the weekend and had to go to urgent care. She was diagnosed with an ear infection. Her fever was at 102 most of the weekend. She still is out of school because of a fever so I hope she gets better soon. Her surgery has been cancelled due to the fact that she is sick and can't be put under that way. It is now scheduled for Jan. 13.

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